Master Your Mindset: Drop That Mean Girl Act
It’s 2:00 AM, you roll over to check your phone and you get an email that you weren’t approved for your dream apartment. She pops up and tells you, “You’ll never be good enough. You don’t deserve to have nice things. You only deserve to live in the dump.”
You’ve just gotten back in your car after a date that left much to be desired. You’re tired of the Friday nights spent alone on your couch and just as you pick up the remote, you hear, “You deserve to be alone. You’ll never fall in love. No one will ever love you.”
After years of trying you finally take the first step at launching your business and every step of the way from branding to merchandising, she says, “No one will ever buy this. Your idea is stupid. This simply won’t work.”
That mean girl inside all of us - she’s the naysayer, the cynic, and the constant complainer. You really can’t get anything done when she’s around. The difference between the mean girl and you is that you know you want better. You’re dreaming of a life where everything goes your way, where every desire is met, and you never have to want for anything. You have hope.
The first step in changing your mindset is to turn your mean girl into your conspirator.
“You’ll never be good enough.” —— You’ll be better.
“No one will ever love you.” —- The right people will always see you and love you for who you are.
“Your idea is stupid.” —- Your idea is simply an idea. You will have good, better, and best ideas. What you do with them is entirely up to you but to do nothing would be a waste.
Counterbalance every negative thought with a positive and you’ll take the first step at mastering your mindset. Don’t be afraid of intrusive thoughts because they are simply thoughts. We can drop them as easily as they come and we never need to act on them. However, your mean girl has got to go.
Welcome in your cheerleader and create a safe space for her in your mind. Every time a negative thought rolls into your mind, imagine your cheerleader is waving it out with pom-poms and high kicks and shouting, “I deserve this win!”
Because you do!